Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Not sure how long, but I will be taking a hiatus from the bench press plan as my left shoulder is not healing properly and not worth risking throwing out my shoulder and back again.  I will look into plans in strengthening my rotary muscles for now.  I did try the 7-minute workout plan yesterday.  Seems easy at first, but again, those random exercises you never perform always get you worked up by the end.  I will attempt to do that regularly with my personal crunches and squats challenge.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Another day, another failure. Must try again.

So the question comes down to, "Do I get back up after I fail?" or is the proper question to ask at times "Do I start with an easier plan?"  I attempted Day 2 this past Friday despite increasing left shoulder pain throughout the bench sets, then while attempting my 5MR (max reps) with my 3-board press, I strained my 5th rep so hard I pulled my lower back.  Now, I was excited and glad I managed to overcome my self-created barriers and not have an excuse to avoid the gym on Friday as I used the one hour free I had Thursday night to sand and glue my boards together, and used a belt to tie it around my body while benching.  My work product picture found below:

I was going to start all my update posts with how many hours I had slept the night prior, as I ref volleyball games and got home close to midnight, but I felt capable of attempting the challenge.  I did get through the first part of doing 60% of raw bench doing wide, normal, and close grips but man, having never done wide and close grips, that was quite the challenge.  I feel like certain fitness programs are meant for people that are already fit trying to take their abilities further.  I thought I was relatively in shape, but when required to do exercises you have never performed, injury is around the corner.  I am going to attempt Day 2 again tomorrow and hope my should is feeling at least 90% by then.  Slowly, but surely, I will get through this program and trust in the system.